I am a structural geologist interested in the interaction and coexistence of brittle and ductile structures in rocks. To investigate the impact of complex rheologies on the formation of such structures I am using a combination of physical modeling, numerical modeling, and field work. In the structural experiment lab at ISU I use a wide variety of analog materials ranging from silicone and sand to polymers to simulate the behavior of rock in different deformation regimes. I combine the lab results with field observations and numerical models to investigate the physical processes leading to stunning and complex deformation patterns in nature.
Google Scholar Profile
Geol 302 – Summer Field Studies
Geol 356 – Structural Geology and Tectonics
Geol 357 – Geologic Mapping and Field Methods
Geol 599X – Quantitative Methods in Geology
Recent Publications
- J. E. Reber, C. Vidal, S. McLafferty, S. Mukherjee, Relationship between channel flow and crustal viscosity in convergent settings: An experimental approach. International Journal of Earth Science (Geologische Rundschau),
- C. Ruggles, S. Morgan, J. E. Reber, 2021, A multi-pulse emplacement model of the Shonkin Sag laccolith, MT. Submitted to Journal of Structural Geology, v. 149, p. 1-17.
- Ladd C. R., J. E. Reber, 2020, The effect of a liquid phase on force distribution during deformation in a granular system, Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, v. 125, p. 1-17
- J. E. Reber, M. L. Cooke, T. P. Dooley, 2020, What model material to use? A Review on rock analogs for structural geology and tectonics, Earth-Science Reviews, v 202, p.
- J. Randolph-Flagg, J. E. Reber, 2019, Effect of grain size and grain size distribution on slip dynamics: An experimental analysis, Tectonophysics, v 774, p.
- T. Birren, J. E. Reber, 2019, The impact of rheology on the transition from stick-slip to creep in a semi-brittle analog, Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, v 124, p.1-11.
- N. L. Young, J. E. Reber, W. W. Simpkins, 2019, FracKfinder: A toolbox for computing 3-D conductivity tensors for fracture porous media. Groundwater, v 57, p.75-80.
- J. E. Reber, M. Pec, 2018, Comparison of brittle- and viscous creep in quartzites: Implications for semi-brittle flow of rocks, Journal of Structural Geology, v 113, p.90-99.
- J. E. Reber, T.P. Dooley, E. Logan, 2017, Analog modeling recreates millions of years in a few hours, EOS, 98.
- M. L. Cooke, J. E. Reber, S. Haq, 2016, Physical experiments of tectonic deformation and processes: Building a strong community, GSA Today, Groundworks, v.26, no.12, p.36-37.
- S. Lee, J. E. Reber, N.W., Hayman, M.F. Wheeler, 2016, Investigation of wing crack formation with a combined phase-field and experimental approach, Geophysical Research Letter, 43.
- J. E. Reber, L.L. Lavier, N. W. Hayman, 2015, Experimental demonstration of a semi-brittle origin for crustal strain transients, Nature Geoscience 8, 712-715.
- S. Jammes, L. L. Lavier, J. E. Reber, 2015, Delocalization of deformation in a polymineralic material, Journal of Geophysical Research, 120.
- J. E. Reber, N. W. Hayman, L. L. Lavier, 2014, Stick-slip and creep behavior in lubricated granular material: Insight into the brittle-ductile transition, Geophysical Research Letter, 41, 3471-3477.
- J. E. Reber, M. Dabrowski, O. Galland, D. W. Schmid, 2013, Sheath fold morphology in simple shear. Journal of Structural Geology 53, 15-26.
- J. E. Reber, O. Galland, P. R. Cobbold, C. Le Carlier de Veslud, 2013, Experimental study of sheath fold development around a weak inclusion in a mechanically layered matrix, Tectonophysics 586, 130-144.
- J. E. Reber, M. Dabrowski, D. W. Schmid, 2012, Sheath fold formation around slip surfaces, Terra Nova 24, 417-421.
- J. E. Reber, S. M. Schmalholz, J.-P Burg, 2010, Stress orientation and fracturing during three-dimensional buckling: Numerical simulation and application to chocolate-tablet structures in folded turbidites, SW Portugal. Tectonophysics 493, 187-795.