

354 Science
2237 Osborn Dr.
Ames IA


Research interests

My research investigates the geochemical imprint of microbial life on the Earth’s surface environment through geological time by studying modern microbial metabolisms and the behavior of metals and minerals under varying aqueous redox regimes. A major focus of my work is understanding the impact of ferruginous conditions on regulating microbial activity and biogeochemical cycling.


Ph.D., Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, July 2011. Specialty: Geomicrobiology; Advisor: Prof. Dr. Alexis S. Templeton

Teaching Certificate, Graduate Teacher Program, CU-Boulder. 2012

Astrobiology Certificate, Center for Astrobiology, CU-Boulder. 2011

MA, Bachelor of Arts with High Honors in Biochemistry, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, May 2003. Major: Biochemistry; Minor: English.

Selected Publications

  • *Stevenson Z, *Tong H, and ED Swanner. “Insights on biotic and abiotic 2,4-D degradation by anaerobicFe-cycling bacteria.”
  • Swanner ED, Harding C, Akam S, Lascu I, *Ledesma G, *Poudel P, *Sun H, *Duncanson S, *Bandy K,*Branham A, *Bryant-Tapper L, *Conwell T, *Jamison O, and LE *Netz. “Four meromictic (?) lakes inItasca State Park, Minnesota, U.S.A.” published in EarthArXiv.
  • Gasda P, et al. “Manganese-rich sandstones as an indicator of ancient oxic lake water conditions in Galecrater, Mars.”
  • Leung T and E Swanner. “Statewide lake assessment reveals spatiotemporal variability of iron in Iowalakes.” In press in Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education.
  • Robbins LJ, Fahkree M, Smith AJB, Bishop BA, Swanner ED, Peacock C, Planavsky NJ, Reinhard CT,Crowe SA, and Lyons TW. “Manganese oxides, Earth surface oxygenation, and the rise of oxygenicphotosynthesis.” (2023) Earth-Science Reviews, 239.